This is an ongoing collaborative project led by Fang-Jui Chang and I-Chien Tang. It explores, through their own or working-together artistic practices the different thematic concerns via Design and Art perspectives. This publication aims to have a conversation about the ambiguous boundary and ethos between art and design. By having reflections on different themes through exhibition review, instructional photography or architectural archive material, we are interested in how our visions can be expanded, integrated and resonated in various forms with playful approaches.
The first part features the dialogical reviews of the exhibition ‘Riddle of the Burial Grounds’ at Extra City (Antwerp) in May 2016. By revisiting the exhibition, we began to sculpt our intellectual awareness whilst playing with that shared experience in real time. In the second part we then designate photography tasks to each other based on instructions. Setting the rules and engaging with the concept is an intimate action which brings the inherent performance to life. Lastly, based on one micro-architecture model in Hyde Park, we broaden its architectural perception to a range of investigative images. By paralleling with two archival images, we hope to rethink the nature of architecture with elaborative performance. This created intentionally formed indexical questions which generated a wide range of photographic vocabularies.
Two Nostrils One Sneeze 《兩個鼻孔打噴嚏》
這本書是一個藝術計畫,由設計師張芳睿與藝術家唐逸芊發起,首期希望透過展覽對話式評論 (1)、指示性攝影(2)、以及建築觀點與聯想(3),延伸出兩人交錯且撞擊的變化。此計畫發展了一個主體兩個觀點的模式,去探索同時發聲的各種創作型態。
(1) 經由在安特衛普Extra City的展覽‘Riddle of the Burial Grounds’(2016),重新塑形此共同觀展經驗在彼此設計和藝術背景下的認知差異。
(2) Instruction-based photography是兩人在旅行中從相同指示性文字中發展成不同卻彼此呼應的攝影作品。
Exhibited at DIY CULTURES 2016 in London
Limited run 30 copies